2016 review

What a year 2016 was! Before I start with the 2016 review, I first want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, a wonderful and happy 2017. May all your dreams come true in 2017 and may it be filled with people you love.

2016 was different in many ways.

Despite the challenges of online schooling , there were at least one challenge everyday. Adjusting to the weather and a new home. I learned a lot in my first year in the new Country, and as a individual I grew a lot.

The first three months were the hardest, but in those three months I learned so much about myself and the world. My perspective on life changed quickly. Somedays I would sit and stare at windows, and I can’t help to wonder what all those people behind their windows are thinking.

My high for 2016 was my Travels. I did not go far, instead I explored my new Country. My two favourite trips was my Trip to Texel Island for summer and Christmas in Stavoren.

I ended 2016 on a high note by graduating after 12 years of school.

Starting my blog was the best idea of 2016, and man do I love blogging. There are still so much I can talk about today, but I promised myself I will keep it short. Visit My Story to read all about how I ended up in the Netherlands



Here are my 6 favourite photos of 2016

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