Going Home

I don’t go to South-Africa as often. In fact, it was my first time going back since 2016. To say the least, I did not know what to expect. I was overwhelmed with feelings of happiness, sadness and quilt. Nothing puts things into perspective like returning home as if nothing changed. Ironically a lot has changed in three years.

Life in the Netherlands vacillates between being hectic and mellow time almost stands still. There is often no middle ground.

So you could imagine the first few days back was strange, it almost felt foreign to me. I realised that I was a different person than 3 years ago

“It’s a funny thing about comin’ home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You’ll realize what’s changed is you.” Benjamin Button

Being home was fun, catching up with family and friend, going to restaurants and pubs. Home had remained frozen during my time away. The shock of being home wasn’t the culture- it was simply the shock of being home.

For those 2 weeks of being home, I thought about all the things that could have been. What if I stayed here and never moved? What would’ve happened if I stayed without my parents? Would I have studies Psychology instead of Business? All of these thoughts rushed through my mind every day. But there is no point dwelling on these questions. For three year I built a life abroad and as hard as it gets life goes on. Everybody goes about their days no matter where you are or what you are doing.

My life is definitely not all rainbows and unicorns. I miss the comfort of being home and having your family and friends around the corner. I miss the culture, rooibos tea, braai, melktert and sokkie.

We all make choices good or bad, but those choices shape you as a person. If I never moved abroad I would never have to adjust to new cultures or places.

At the end of the day, home will always be home, whether you go back often or not. It is true what they say “There is no place like home”



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