Alongside wooden clogs, windmills, and tulips, the Amsterdam Canals spring to mind when anyone mentions Holland. A canal cruise along the Amsterdam Canals is undoubtedly the number one attraction and for first-time visitors, a canal cruise is a great introduction to the city.
But what else has Amsterdam got that keeps us coming back for more?
- Mouth-watering waffles
- Uber cool bicycle scene
- Awesome people
- Tasty craft beers
But I’m curious. We all know Amsterdam for its bicycles, cheese and a few other things in between if you know what I mean, however, I wonder, does Amsterdam have a few little secrets up its sleeve?
Amsterdam got its name from the Amstel River.
As you set out from the Intercontinental Amstel Amsterdam on the Canal tour, the captain explains that Amsterdam was originally founded in the 12th century as a fishing village. The village derived its name from the Amstel River and the dam that was built in 1220 to avoid the floods from the ZuiderZee (South Sea) entering the inlands. Over time Amstellodamus evolved into Amsterdam.
2500: 2500 houseboats line Amsterdam canals and many have been afloat for more than a century. There are different types of houseboats and the concrete kind are the most desirable as they don’t need to be taken to the shipyard for repairs. Amsterdam has laws about the houseboats and the wooden ones need to be repainted every three years. Most are residential, but visitors can find houseboat hotels, rentals, and even a Houseboat Museum if you just want to see what it’s like on one.

1,281: That’s the number of bridges in all of Amsterdam. There are 80 bridges within the center of Amsterdam. Magere Brug, also known as the Skinny Bridge, is the most famous bridge in the city. The crossing of Reguliersgracht and Herengracht is known as the Bridge of 15 Bridges.
If you stand in the right spot, especially at night, you can see a total of 15 arches into the distance. Pretty!
3: That’s the number of X’s in Amsterdam’s coat of arms. The triple X that can be spotted all over the city may come as little surprise – but does it really have to do with the city’s reputation for sex tourism? I’m not so sure.
Most historians say they represent crosses of Saint Andrew. St. Andrew was a fisherman who was martyred on an X-shaped cross in the 1st century. Amsterdam was originally a fishing village.
Or it could symbolize the three kisses that Dutch people give when greeting. You decide.

881,000: That’s approximately the number of bicycles in Amsterdam. Oddly enough, there are only about 799,400 people living in the city. Some estimates say around 100,000 bicycles are stolen each year.
That might account for the discrepancy between the numbers of residents and bicycles!

Damn Amsterdam Is Multicultural
Here’s a fun fact for you – Amsterdam is home to highest number of nationalities out of any city in the world.
In Amsterdam, you can ride a minute down the road on your Dutch bicycle, grab an Indonesian curry, eat it while you’re waiting for a haircut in the Turkish barber and then head into town for a beer served to you by an Aussie.
It’s great.
Ginormous Amsterdam
This one’s a little broader but Dutch people, in general, are ginormous. In fact, they are the tallest people in the world. Most men average at a height of 184cm while the average Dutch woman towers at 170cm. Take a look around when you get there and you’ll probably know straight away whether someone is Dutch or not by their incredible height.
Cat Boats
Poezenboot is a houseboat full of stray cats in Amsterdam. As the only one of its kind in the world, this boat full of stray and abandoned cats is run by volunteers in the canal just west of Central Station.
It has even become an Amsterdam tourist attraction!
No Smoking… Some Substances
Smoking tobacco in cafés and restaurants was banned in Amsterdam since 2008. But, smoking weed is still allowed in coffee shops. Some coffee shop owners can tell the difference between a mix or a pure joint from its smell and appearance. They take away the cigarette in your marijuana.

Wooden clogs, Cheese, and Tulips are definitely not the only secrets Amsterdam holds.
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