Digital Christmas Card 2017

Sending a Christmas card from the Netherlands to all my friends and family in South-Africa is hard to do. So, I thought the blog would be the best place to do it. This time of year always makes me a bit emotional. I could most likely cry at the drop of a hat or a sentimental commercial. But this year, in particular, I didn’t go home, but it’s been a wonderful year full of experiences.

This year was a whirlwind. Last year, if you recall, I moved to the Netherlands with a lot of uncertainties. I hoped that 2017 would be a little bit more relaxed. Relaxing is lying on the beach and reading a book. I did go to a few beaches but I wouldn’t call this year laid back. It’s been such a busy year and a blast and I thank you for all your love and support as we take on this crazy journey.

This year I hit the ground running and I have experienced so much in one year. I ventured to a few cities and traveled to 1 or 2 places I’d never been before. I went, for the first time, to a place I dreamed about like Spain and Bruges. I also explored hidden gems in The Netherlands, mostly in Amsterdam. Surprisingly, with a few travels, and a lot of experiences I don’t regret this past year. Somedays when I go back to Amsterdam or a different city it felt like the first time. For someone that’s lived 98% of their life in the same city, I am pretty pleased with how I’m handling living abroad.

christmas card

Sometimes it’s very hard to be away from home. I miss the people, family, food, and culture of course, but I also crave South-African food. In case you’re wondering it’s not always easy to find the right ingredients to make South-African food, or anywhere in Europe for that matter. I also miss the convenience of having a backyard, and a big shopping center. But of course, the good outweighs the bad. I ate the best cheese, pancakes, and sausages I’ve ever tasted.

This year I ate at a fast food restaurant less than I can count on my left hand, but I definitely ate a lot of Pancakes. Also running through cobblestone streets nearly every day to catch a train or a bus.

As for changes, I’ve been through more than a few. I finally feel like I belong here. This is my home. I’d like to say that I am embracing the “minimalist” lifestyle, although my closet might be exploding. For the most part, I don’t buy things I don’t need (except for lipstick, sweaters, cat treats, and dresses). Mentally I went through big changes as well. I feel happier, I absolutely love my job. For the most part of the year, my job was my main priority and it still is and hopefully, it will be that way for a very long time.

I’m hoping that next year I’ll travel to some of my bucket list places: Croatia, Iceland, Greece go back to Spain and South-Africa.

Now that I’ve been here for a year and some months it seems like time is going by to fast. There’s still so much to see and do. That’s one thing I’m learning since moving abroad: Time doesn’t stand still, yet I want to savor all the moments. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. That’s my goal for 2018: to not miss a thing.

Merry Christmas, Geseënde Kersfees, Fijne Kerst

Love, Chante’

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